
Saturday, 21 February 2015

How to Highlight and Unhighlight an Element Using Selenium Web Driver?

Highlighting an element in the web page during execution may assists the tester to recognize the correct element execution in the project during automation process.

Here we will see how an element is highlighted before and after clicking on the particular element and taking the screenshots with the highlighted element. We will use the JavascriptExecutor interface to implement functionality in Selenium Web Driver.

Create a Class say element_Highlight as below:

package Your_Package_Name;

import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class element_Highlight {
 public void highlightElement(WebDriver driver,WebElement element) {  
  JavascriptExecutor js=(JavascriptExecutor) driver;
  js.executeScript("arguments[0].style.border='3px solid red'", element);

 public void unhighlightLast(WebDriver driver,WebElement element) { 
  JavascriptExecutor js=(JavascriptExecutor) driver;
  js.executeScript("arguments[0].style.border='0px'", element);

Now, call the highlightElement(Browser Object, element) method in your statement block of code as below:

public class Test2
final WebDriver driver;
element_Highlight eh= new element_Highlight();
public void EnterName(String username) { 
      rd.writereport(0, 1, username);
      WebElement e1=driver.findElement(By.xpath(c.getElementName("name")));
      eh.highlightElement(driver, e1);
      eh.unhighlightLast(driver, e1); 

Many Thanks for your valuable comments and suggestions in advance.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

How to Automate Browser's Authentication Pop Up in Selenium Web Driver using AutoIt

Selenium Web Driver support only web application testing.So, window's popup can not be handled using Selenium.

Here I will use AutoIt scripting  tool to automate the Window's Authentication Popup.

Follow the Steps mentioned as below:

  1. Download and Install AutoIt Scripting tool
  2. Open text Editor (SciTE Script editor) 

3. Write the Code in the Text Editor as bellow:

WinWait("Authentication Required") 
$title = WinGetTitle("Authentication Required") ; retrives whole window title 
$UN=WinGetText($title,"User Name:")
ControlSend($title,"",$UN,"Username");Sets Username
Send("{TAB 1}")
ControlSend($title,"",$PWD,"password");Sets PWD 

The Script will be saved with .au3 extension.

4. Now, convert the .au3 file in executable using Compile Script to .exe tool. The Script is ready to use with the selense command.

Place the authentication Script(autoit script ) under the Project folder and set the path in Object.Property File(How to set all the locators in the Object Property file).
Initialize the New Process using below Code:
static Process p = null;

Where "auth_path"  is the element name defined in the Object repository file and destroy the process at the end of the program execution.